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Red Rose, Growing


 EUROPE, the goddess of peace and love 


Once upon a time, when peace ruled the world and gods protected all human beings, a young women, called Calliope, lived with her family in a beautiful village. But one day, during a banquet, gods quarrelled about their power on humans and so all the humans started to quarrel, too.

 After one month, the entire world was ruled by destruction, terror, and death. A lot of people died during these innumerable wars, while gods were still arguing. Calliope’s family died when her village was destroyed. She didn’t know where to go. Every day Calliope prayed, but the war continued for a long time.

 One day,  during a quarrel, Zeus hurled a thunderbolt to Apollo, but he hit Calliope while she was escaping from a battle and so she died. Zeus looked at her:  she was very young and very beautiful! So the gods’ father, moved by what he had done, decided to make her a goddess: the goddess of peace and love. He changed her name in Europe that means “large view”. Wherever the goddess turned her view, there wouldn't be any sign of war. In fact, from that moment on, all the countries that had been at war became a huge land called Europe.

From that time, Europe observes and protects this enormous land, where peace dominates, and gods protect all the humans.


Raffaele VB

A goddess called



When  there weren’t any people in the world, the queen  Pangea, who reigned on the universe, decided to find a home for her five sons.

In the Milky Way she found a little planet. She saw that the planet was monotonous as it was all blue. She put her soon on that to revive its color, thus giving birth to Earth.

The smallest child was little Europe. She cried because of her older brothers. Once a hind called Unity passed and the baby  could drink from her breast part of her milk, thus receiving the strength of  Unity.

Since then Europe was respected and she became a country of culture and science.


Lara VB




Coordinator prof. Vittoria Di Fabio

Unity in diversity
Images selected  from the Internet were inserted only for didactic purposes
Coordinator Prof. Vittoria Di Fabio

European Union
     already 25
and  many  more 
are going to join


Water 1


